CFP: The 2nd Norwegian Winter Games in Economic History

Following up from last year’s resounding success, the Norwegian Economic History Association (NØHF) invites to the second Winter Games in Economic History, to be held at the University of Oslo, January 19 2024.

The format of the Winter Games will be that of a low threshold workshop. The aim is to bring together scholars as well as PhD and master level students to help each other to develop research ideas and paper drafts on their way to publication. We therefore welcome submissions of both paper drafts and outlines of future research projects. Although designated commentators will be assigned each paper/research ideas, all participants are expected to read the papers of others and contribute to discussions.

Regarding scope, the Winter Games are intended as a broad arena. We apply a broad understanding of economic history and welcome also submissions from business history and other, neighbouring fields (i.e. historical political economy, social history, labour history, historical demography etc).

Contributions from master students and junior researchers are as valuable as those from established scholars. “Norwegian” is understood in a most liberal way, i.e., scholars either based in Norway or working on a topic related to it, independent of nationality. Moreover, as a low threshold arena, papers in all stages of preparation are welcome, from your roughest draft to highly polished gems.

Please forward a short abstract (up to 300 words) for consideration to:

Abstracts deadline: October 16 2023

Successful applicants will be notified by November 2. Deadline for submission of papers is January 5 2024.