Discussion on the Origins of the Industrial Revolution

We invite the participants to the Winter Games in Economic History (University of Oslo, January 19 2024) to a discussion between historians Kristine Bruland (UiO) and Terje Tvedt (UiB) about the origins of the industrial revolution. The discussion will concentrate on teh explanations for the revolution provided by Bruland and Tvedt in their respective books Den industrielle revolusjon (2022) and Historiens hjul og vannets makt (2023).The discussion will be moderated by professor Einar Lie (UiO).

You will only be able to attend the discussion as a participant to the workshop.

Remember to register for the Winter Games!

A registration form has been sent to all participants to the Winter Games in economic history, to be held in Oslo 19 January 2024. If you have not received the form, please contact the organizers.

If you would like to attend the workshop without a paper, please contact the organizers!